Bellwether Prize finalist Living Treasures portrays the crusade of Gu Bao, a law student who falls in love with a handsome, young soldier during the tumultuous Tiananmen Square protest in 1989. She risks her own life to prevent a full term abortion and saves a panda cub along the way.
San Francisco Book Review says, “Living Treasures is endearing, extraordinarily moving, and its timely message about life makes it a must read for young and old readers alike.
Forward Reviews selects Living Treasures as one of the Top Ten Historical Novels of Fall 2014.
Author Yang Huang ( , also an IT engineer at UC Berkeley, will discuss her inspiration for the novel and how she overcomes difficulty to write in English, a second language. Followed by book signing. The program is to be conducted in English and Chinese.
Read My Author Talk at San Francisco Public Library.
黃洋的小說 Living Treasures 《國寶》發生在 1989年, 18歲的大學生顧寶沒有參與驚天動地的學生運動, 她懷了軍人男友的孩子並被安排墮了胎. 為了保護一位偶遇的超生媽媽, 她挺身而出, 阻撓計劃生育工作隊, 卻讓自己陷入困境. 小說觸及了學生運動, 計劃生育, 以及國寶熊貓.
《國寶》深穫多方好評, 被 Forward Reviews 選為2014十大最佳歷史小說之一.
KTSF 26台《今夜有話要說》主持人鄭家瑜說:“我讀《國寶》, 欲罷不能, 廹不急待知道結局. 顧寶在令人心碎的經歷之後, 愛情給她帶來了新生希望. 這是我今年讀到的最好的小說.”
作家黃洋, 中國出生, 是柏克萊加州大學的工程師。會中除了介紹書,並與大眾分享她如何克服困難用英文創作. 以及如何在創作過程中吸取書中主人翁的力量和智慧,會後簽書. 黃洋的網站
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