New Year's Resolution and Review for Xiaolu Guo’s I AM CHINA

I was thrilled and deeply grateful to read Celeste Ng's milestone article:  “There aren’t a lot of you out there”: What? Let’s fix our female Asian-American writer blind spot now on Salon. The "minority" status of female Asian-American authors is changing thanks to numerous wonderful writers, although the general awareness takes a little longer to catch on with the reality. We are here, and our books demand to be read.

I reviewed Xiaolu Guo's I AM CHINA on a fine blog Read Her Like an Open Book by Bill Wolfe. Guo is a writer/filmmaker I admire. Please share it on Twitter, and you can win a signed copy of my novel Living Treasures. Good luck!

Guest author Yang Linda Huang on Xiaolu Guo’s I AM CHINA: A Portrait of the Artist as an Angry Youth

I am also excited to give a book talk later this month at the Festival of Women Authors in 2015 with three writers I admire: Katie Hafner, Yiyun Li, and Ann Parker.

Look forward to seeing you there!

New Year's Resolution: Write and share good diverse books.

My Author Talk at San Francisco Public Library

It was my privilege to celebrate the release of my debut novel Living Treasures, first at Green Apple Books in San Francisco, then at the San Francisco Public Library, with my old and new friends.

My friend Tong Acken's sketch took my breath away. My children exclaimed, "This is the BEST!" Thank you, Tong. How did you do that?

My friend Tong Acken's sketch took my breath away. My children exclaimed, "This is the BEST!" Thank you, Tong. How did you do that?

It was surreal to see my talk featured on the San Francisco Public Library Home Page:


I gave a bilingual talk to a room full of people. Don't be fooled by their looks. About half of the people asked me questions in English, while the other half in Chinese. Some questions made me think, and others made me smile. 

Here is my speech:

Friends, thank you for coming out to see me today. Make sure you get a raffle ticket from my little helpers: 9-year-old Oliver and 11-year-old Victor. Here are the prizes: a porcelain panda mug, its cute print makes you want to drink more beverages. This is a recycled cotton bag, almost weightless but very useful. It has the embroidery of my book cover. The panda, chicken, and girl are playing together. After reading the novel, you’ll understand the symbolism. This embroidery has about 8000 stitches, a tiny fraction of the work I put into my book.

I want to thank Doris for inviting me. She worked tirelessly to publicize and organize this event. I am grateful for her hard work, resourcefulness, and generosity. You may borrow my novel: Living Treasures from the library. Here is the form, if you need to apply for a library card. You may buy a book after the event. I’ll autograph your book. As an author, I appreciate your support. 

It’s a special event, because my family is here with me. I invited my mother. My boys love to play baseball and guitars. Thanks to their awesome teacher, Hassan El-Tayyab, over there. Hassan is the leading man in the band: American Nomad. Very cool band, you should check them out.

Here is a quote:

 “Their original music is rooted in Americana and folk/swing traditions. American Nomad draws from the spirit of travel and authentic life experience.”

Inspired by their musician teacher, Oliver and Victor will sing a song: Take Me out to the Library.

BTW. I paid for them to perform, so they are paid musicians, way ahead of their mother. They also read Living Treasures. It took Oliver two afternoons to finish it, so it’s a quick read.

I have a day job, working as a computer engineer at UC Berkeley. As a writer I have a rather optimistic worldview. I like to tackle big social problems in my fiction, put my characters under the test, let them suffer, and in their darkest and most despairing hours, let them use their ingenuity (much like an engineer), and find some sort of relief or solution, not a cure-all, but a way out, so that they can move forward to rebuild their lives.  

Before I talk about my book, I want to tell you the inspirations for my story.

First, it was the panda. Who could resist a face like this? But do you know its secrets? Panda is bear, with the digestive system of a carnivore, thus derives little energy and protein from consuming bamboo, which is 99% of its diet. Pandas in the wild occasionally eat birds, mice, or fish if they can catch them. 

To make up for the inefficient digestion, a panda needs to consume 20 to 40 pounds of bamboo every day. This affects its behavior. A panda must spend 10 to 16 hours a day foraging and eating. The rest of its time is spent mostly sleeping and resting.

Bamboo species flower periodically, every 30 - 120 years or so. All plants in a particular species mass flower worldwide over a several-year period. Flowering produces seeds, and bamboos die after flowering. The seeds will give rise to a new generation of bamboos, but it can take years to replenish the food supply for pandas. 

When I was in middle school, we donated money to rescue the pandas from starvation, as bamboos mass flowered over large areas of the Min Mountains. It was one of the few fund raising events I ever had in China. The plight of cuddly pandas touched many young hearts. We wrote letters, essays, drew pictures, and told stories about these national treasures.

My book begins with a mother panda eating a chicken, so that she could survive the winter and nurse her cub.

Here we see the resilience of panda, and the girl who witnesses it.

My second inspiration is the student movement of 1989.

My heroine, Miss Gu Bao, her name sounding like “national treasure” in Chinese, grows up in the 80s. 

It was a hopeful time, a liberal time. After the dark ages of brutal prosecution and censorship in the Cultural Revolution, many western thoughts were introduced and flourished in China. For the young people, it was sexy to be in a debate salon and wrangle over ideological issues. Before long, people began to demand human rights, freedom, and democracy. 

This is Qin, my better half, during the heyday of the 1989 student movement. I didn’t have a picture, because people were still afraid of retaliation. Students began their protests at night, wearing facial masks to avoid being recognized or photographed. This might be mid-May, when the movement had gained so much support throughout China. It was “safe” to be seen as a “patriotic youth” rather than condemned as “a traitor conspiring to overthrow the government.”  

Soon the situation escalated. The Tiananmen Square massacre came as a complete shock. To this day, we don’t know how many were killed on the dawn of June 4th. The official story was that no one died in the square. The propaganda machine in China wiped out every evidence of the demonstrations and subsequent crackdown. My poor parents were grateful that I wasn’t in the Square that night. They told me to never speak of it. What good does it do, for the dead and living? My classmate, a hunger striker, dropped out of the university afterwards. I never heard from him again. Dr. Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, is still imprisoned for speaking up about the Tiananmen Square massacre.

The student movement in 1989 was a defining moment of my generation. We experienced the hope, joy, and heartbreak of losing a historical opportunity. I reflected on the tragedy for more than twenty years. I would write a story about the students’ fight but with a more meaningful arc. There were many things leading up to the massacre and following after that, but that night, inevitably the focus of my story is just a starting point, a central metaphor for Bao’s tragedy. I didn’t want it to end on Tiananmen Square. It needed to be in rural China, where a lot of the injustice happened. 

My third inspiration is the one-child policy.

May I see a show of hands? It doesn’t matter where you were born. Would those of you not firstborns please raise your hands? You wouldn’t have been born in China after 1976, if your parents hadn’t fought hard to save your lives.

Here is a little bit of history. In the 1950s, Chairman Mao, with a typical peasant mentality, banned family planning and encouraged women to have as many children as possible. The population grew from 540 million in 1949 to 969 million in 1979, nearly 80% of population increase within three decades. In the seventies the government tried to solve the population crisis by enforcing strict controls to slow down the birth rate. Aside from some minority groups, every couple could only have one child. 

The problem is: local governments all had their own rules and regulations to enforce the policy. Some people lost their jobs after having a second child. Others were fined. Like many policies in China, there was abuse of power and corruption was rampant. In some villages, one-child policy worker team hired thugs to threaten and beat up people, force collect the fines, and even kidnap the women and their relatives. Some women had their full-term babies aborted. If the drugs couldn’t kill, a nurse injected medicine on the baby’s temple when the mother was pushing. Some women died from the brutal procedures, while others were forced into sterilization.

My fourth inspiration is a blind lawyer, Mr. Chen Guangchen.

While revising Living Treasures, I learned about Mr. Chen, a civil rights activist who worked on human rights issues in rural China. Blind from an early age and self-taught in the law, Chen is a “barefoot lawyer” who advocates for women’s rights, land rights, and the welfare of the poor. That was the career path that I planned for Bao, that she would mature into a grassroots activist.  

To make a real change, even a small one, you cannot expect it to be passed down from the government, but rather, it needs to start with you and your actions. The victory isn’t achieved by the talks on Tiananmen Square but in every action you do, every person you help, and every sacrifice you make for the common good.

The students in 1989 appealed to the ruling class to change the corrupt system. It ended in the massacre. That’s no reason to give up. What if we don’t fight, but live our lives to the fullest? 

Every person thinks s/he is free, despite what the government tells them, and live their lives like free people, take charge of their social responsibilities, and reach out to the less fortunate. 

I know Bao could do this, because Mr. Chen did it with some success. In 2005, Chen organized a landmark class action lawsuit against authorities in Shandong province, for the excessive enforcement of the one-child policy. What an amazing achievement for a courageous blind lawyer!

In Living Treasures, village woman Mrs. Orchid already has a daughter. The one-child policy worker team forced her to have two abortions. When she gets pregnant again, she hides in a cave. There she meets Bao, who ended her pregnancy in order to continue her career as a law student. Bao is not impressed with Orchid at first, but she learns to admire Orchid’s strength and resolve to have her child. She ends up risking her own life to protect Orchid.

The ensuing violence is a metaphor for the Tiananmen Square massacre. But Bao is more fortunate than the students in the Square. With the help of her soldier boyfriend, she is able to rise from her tragedy and becomes a human rights activist. Her journey will not be easy, and she will suffer a great deal for her choice, but she has taken an important first step, not only for herself, but for 1.35 billion Chinese people who don’t have the political power. 

You may ask why I wrote the story of a Chinese woman in English. There were several reasons. When I was a teenager, I was enthralled by the French writers, novels by Victor Hugo, Balzac, and Alexandre Dumas. Those stories from the faraway land seemed more realistic, vivid, and inspirational than the Chinese novels about the suffering in the Cultural Revolution. When I managed (believe me, it was hard) to put down the book and walked to the school, I no longer saw the tractors and oxcarts, motorcycles and bicycles in bright daylight but felt as if I were running down the dimly lit alleyways in Paris during the French Revolution. 

Then I was able to rise above the peer pressure and self-consciousness, that I wasn’t pretty, intelligent, or popular at a prestigious high school. I was just a captivated reader. The story of French people translated into Chinese was devoid of clichés yet colored by passion. I grew up and named my first child Victor, after my idol Victor Hugo.     

My 2nd reason was the censorship. My book would be banned, before it was even written in Chinese. I kept a blog in mainland China and learned many tricks to circumvent the internet censorship. Even worse is the self-censorship. A famous writer once said, “If you want to write honestly, you should write like an orphan.” I didn’t like being an orphan, so I’d say, “If you want to write honestly, write in a foreign language that your parents cannot understand.”

I came to the U.S. at the age of nineteen, graduated from college at twenty-one, and became a computer engineer. At twenty-three, I had a midlife crisis. I went back to school, while working full time, and studied literature and writing. It was very hard work. From day one I knew I would support my writing life by working as an engineer. What got me through two decades of apprenticeship was not the prospect of being published, though it was nice that I finally got published, but the firm belief that I was doing something worthwhile. Having a job is to earn my keep from the society, but writing is to give back to the community my soul, my struggle, and my faith in humanity and future. 

Here is my 3rd reason to write in English: to communicate with people different from me—to educate them, entertain them, and affirm the values that we all hold dear: truth, love, courage, and selflessness. In a small way I was emulating the masters: Victor Hugo, Balzac, and Alexandre Dumas. Likewise, I wanted to tell stories of the faraway land that make people forget the trouble in their own lives, just for an instant, look up and see a bigger world full of people, who look like strangers, as you look more closely, you’ll find they are just like you, with the same longings, fears, and ambitions. Their children and your children will inherit the same world after you are gone.

I got a lot of friendly advice over the years. They told me: You’re the first generation immigrant, and you’re a woman. You have to work and raise a family. You don’t have the luxury of chasing a dream. Wait until you are retired, your children in college, and then take your time to write. I didn’t take the sensible advice. Life is short. I’d rather multitask and fail, than wait and discover that my time has run out. If my life were a baseball game, I want to strike out swinging rather than strike out looking.

I never argued with the wise people who warned me that I might fell. I had nothing to prove. Just do it. 

Writing is a lonely task. I found support in friends and my family. Just do it. 

It didn’t matter if I failed or succeeded. I am only limited by my timidity, my prejudice, and my own imagination.  

I told myself: Just do it. Keep doing it. And do more of it. Predictably, the wise people left me alone. 

I got a BA, an MA in English and an MFA in Creative Writing. My life got more hectic after I graduated, but I kept on writing. I had children, and they slowed me down. I used to write a book in a year and half, but Living Treasures took me five years to write and five more years to get it published. If I were a hare before, now I am a turtle. I plug away patiently and take in beautiful sceneries on my journey. As I grow older, I have less time to write. I focus on the essentials, the emotions, and no longer cringe to cut my favorite passages in order to advance the story. 

I learned much from watching my heroine develop and mature in the course of a novel. A young woman who wants to become a lawyer, Bao has so much to lose at the beginning: her virginity, her baby, and her career. When she’s confronted with evil, her conscience wakens. She takes a stand for what she believes in and risks everything in her life. 

Do we have the courage to fight for our true believes? If we look deep inside, we’ll find a hero or heroine buried under the layers of politeness, the mundane, and the compromises. If we are true to ourselves, that hero or heroine will awaken, summon their courage, elicit help, and open doors to new careers, new relationships, and creativities. Life is not merely a thing to be tolerated but celebrated. We become free even as we are trapped inside this transient shell, this small building, and this unjust world. 

Thank you. 

If you like, I’ll read a scene from my book.

Listen! My heroine Bao is going to free a panda mother from the poacher's snare.

Listen! My heroine Bao is going to free a panda mother from the poacher's snare.

With my dear friends of more than 12 years.

With my dear friends of more than 12 years.

What a group of fine ladies we are!

What a group of fine ladies we are!

The room is filling up. Wish I had taken the picture of people standing and sitting on the floor. FYI. I didn't put the gentlemen to sleep. They were listening and concentrating. All of them asked me good questions.

The room is filling up. Wish I had taken the picture of people standing and sitting on the floor. FYI. I didn't put the gentlemen to sleep. They were listening and concentrating. All of them asked me good questions.

You could see that I enjoyed my talk. Thanks to Jose for the picture.

You could see that I enjoyed my talk. Thanks to Jose for the picture.

Oliver handed out raffle tickets for the gifts. The handsome gentleman is Hassan El-Tayyab, the lead singer in the band American Nomad.

Oliver handed out raffle tickets for the gifts. The handsome gentleman is Hassan El-Tayyab, the lead singer in the band American Nomad.

I was so fortunate to meet Doris and Yiping. They were wise, graceful, and funny. We talked like old friends.

I was so fortunate to meet Doris and Yiping. They were wise, graceful, and funny. We talked like old friends.

With Manfred and Vesna. My friend Cristina came to talk with me.

With Manfred and Vesna. My friend Cristina came to talk with me.

With my family, Doris, and Tanya. It was a very happy day!

With my family, Doris, and Tanya. It was a very happy day!

My Bilingual Talk at San Francisco Public Library

When Doris Tseng asked me to give a bilingual talk at the San Francisco Public Library, I happily complied. I wrote the English speech for my launch party at Green Apple Books. I planned to translate it into Chinese over the Thanksgiving weekend.

I took a break by going to the mall and strolling through the crowded stores. When I returned home empty-handed but happy to have done my window shopping, I found the Chinese version of speech needed a lot more work than I expected.

I couldn't simply translate word for word. It was boring and lacked the relevance. I ended up raking my brains to write new material for the Chinese version. Because I invited my mother, I didn't want her to hear all that was in the English speech. The self censorship caused me to go the extra mile to "impress" her.

So here is my bilingual talk. It was much more difficult than I anticipated. Doris challenged me to an ambitious task. For this I was indebted to her foresight and confidence. My struggle was richly rewarded, as the audience asked me questions in both English and Chinese, to which I gave my detailed answers. There was beauty and music in both languages. 



这是我的孩子们:9岁的张佳宏和11岁的张佳俊 。请和小朋友们拿张彩票,会后有小礼品赠送。这是一只可爱的熊猫陶瓷茶杯,看见它你会想多喝点饮料。这是一只绣花的帆布袋,轻便好拎,非常有用。这绣的是书的封面,熊猫,母鸡,和女孩在一起玩。读完书后,你会明白这里的含义。这个图案有8000针,比起我写书用的心血,是微不足道的。

我们都要感谢图书馆员卢慧芬,她做了很多工作,我非常佩服她的胆魄,智慧,和社会能力。你们可以从图书馆借《国宝》Living Treasures,办好图书证就可以了。会后你也可以向我买书,我会给你签名,感激读者们的支持。 

Friends, thank you for coming out to see me today. Make sure you get a raffle ticket from my little helpers: 9-year-old Oliver and 11-year-old Victor. Here are the prizes: a porcelain panda mug, its cute print makes you want to drink more beverages. This is a recycled cotton bag, almost weightless but very useful. It has the embroidery of my book cover. The panda, chicken, and girl are playing together. After reading the novel, you’ll understand the symbolism. This embroidery has about 8000 stitches, a tiny fraction of the work I put into my book.

I want to thank Doris for inviting me. She worked tirelessly to publicize and organize this event. I am grateful for her hard work, resourcefulness, and generosity. You may borrow my novel: Living Treasures from the library. Here is the form, if you need to apply for a library card. You may buy a book after the event. I’ll autograph your book. As an author, I appreciate your support. 

今天我的全家都来了,我妈妈坐在那里。 我的孩子们喜欢打棒球,也会弹吉他。他们的老师Hassan El-Tayyab 是乐队《美国游牧者》的主歌手。张佳宏和张佳俊学吉他有一年多了,很敬慕他们严格的老师。今天他们要为您唱一首歌 。

It’s a special event, because my family is here with me. I invited my mother. My boys love to play baseball and guitars. Thanks to their awesome teacher, Hassan El-Tayyab, over there. Hassan is the leading man in the band: American Nomad. Very cool band, you should check them out.

Here is a quote:

 “Their original music is rooted in Americana and folk/swing traditions. American Nomad draws from the spirit of travel and authentic life experience.”

Inspired by their musician teacher, Oliver and Victor will sing a song: Take Me out to the Library.



BTW. I paid for them to perform, so they are paid musicians, way ahead of their mother. They also read Living Treasures. It took Oliver two afternoons to finish it, so it’s a quick read.

I have a day job, working as a computer engineer at UC Berkeley. As a writer I have a rather optimistic worldview. I like to tackle big social problems in my fiction, put my characters under the test, let them suffer, and in their darkest and most despairing hours, let them use their ingenuity (much like an engineer), and find some sort of relief or solution, not a cure-all, but a way out, so that they can move forward to rebuild their lives.  



Before I talk about my book, I want to tell you the inspirations for my story.

First, it was the panda. Who could resist a face like this? But do you know its secrets? Panda is bear, with the digestive system of a carnivore, thus derives little energy and protein from consuming bamboo, which is 99% of its diet. Pandas in the wild occasionally eat birds, mice, or fish if they can catch them. 

To make up for the inefficient digestion, a panda needs to consume 20 to 40 pounds of bamboo every day. This affects its behavior. A panda must spend 10 to 16 hours a day foraging and eating. The rest of its time is spent mostly sleeping and resting.



Bamboo species flower periodically, every 30 - 120 years or so. All plants in a particular species mass flower worldwide over a several-year period. Flowering produces seeds, and bamboos die after flowering. The seeds will give rise to a new generation of bamboos, but it can take years to replenish the food supply for pandas. 

When I was in middle school, we donated money to rescue the pandas from starvation, as bamboos mass flowered over large areas of the Min Mountains. It was one of the few fund raising events I ever had in China. The plight of cuddly pandas touched many young hearts. We wrote letters, essays, drew pictures, and told stories about these national treasures.

熊猫在饥饿的时候会到村里去觅食。小说女主人公名字叫顾宝,和“国宝”同音。 熊猫妈妈当着顾宝的面吃了一只母鸡,然后给她的宝宝喂奶。这是小说的开始。


My book begins with a mother panda eating a chicken, so that she could survive the winter and nurse her cub.

Here we see the resilience of panda, and the girl who witnesses it.

My second inspiration is the student movement of 1989.

My heroine, Miss Gu Bao, her name sounding like “national treasure” in Chinese, grows up in the 80s. 



It was a hopeful time, a liberal time. After the dark ages of brutal prosecution and censorship in the Cultural Revolution, many western thoughts were introduced and flourished in China. For the young people, it was sexy to be in a debate salon and wrangle over ideological issues. Before long, people began to demand human rights, freedom, and democracy. 

This is Qin, my better half, during the heyday of the 1989 student movement. I didn’t have a picture, because people were still afraid of retaliation. Students began their protests at night, wearing facial masks to avoid being recognized or photographed. This might be mid-May, when the movement had gained so much support throughout China. It was “safe” to be seen as a “patriotic youth” rather than condemned as “a traitor conspiring to overthrow the government.”  

Soon the situation escalated. The Tiananmen Square massacre came as a complete shock. To this day, we don’t know how many were killed on the dawn of June 4th. The official story was that no one died in the square. The propaganda machine in China wiped out every evidence of the demonstrations and subsequent crackdown. My poor parents were grateful that I wasn’t in the Square that night. They told me to never speak of it. What good does it do, for the dead and living? My classmate, a hunger striker, dropped out of the university afterwards. I never heard from him again. Dr. Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, is still imprisoned for speaking up about the Tiananmen Square massacre.



The student movement in 1989 was a defining moment of my generation. We experienced the hope, joy, and heartbreak of losing a historical opportunity. I reflected on the tragedy for more than twenty years. I would write a story about the students’ fight but with a more meaningful arc. There were many things leading up to the massacre and following after that, but that night, inevitably the focus of my story is just a starting point, a central metaphor for Bao’s tragedy. I didn’t want it to end on Tiananmen Square. It needed to be in rural China, where a lot of the injustice happened. 

My third inspiration is the one-child policy.

[我想问一下] May I see a show of hands? It doesn’t matter where you were born. [在座多少人在家里不是老大(不是家里的第一个孩子)?请举手好吗?] Would those of you not firstborns please raise your hands? [That’s about a third of the people in this room.] [几乎1/3。假如你1976年后出生在中国,你的父母一定付出了代价,才能够让你来到这个世界。] You wouldn’t have been born in China after 1976, if your parents hadn’t fought hard to save your lives.



Here is a little bit of history. In the 1950s, Chairman Mao, with a typical peasant mentality, banned family planning and encouraged women to have as many children as possible. The population grew from 540 million in 1949 to 969 million in 1979, nearly 80% of population increase within three decades. In the seventies the government tried to solve the population crisis by enforcing strict controls to slow down the birth rate. Aside from some minority groups, every couple could only have one child. 

The problem is: local governments all had their own rules and regulations to enforce the policy. Some people lost their jobs after having a second child. Others were fined. Like many policies in China, there was abuse of power and corruption was rampant. In some villages, one-child policy worker team hired thugs to threaten and beat up people, force collect the fines, and even kidnap the women and their relatives. Some women had their full-term babies aborted. (If the drugs couldn’t kill, a nurse injected medicine on the baby’s temple when the mother was pushing.) Some women died from the brutal procedures, while others were forced into sterilization.



My fourth inspiration is a blind lawyer, Mr. Chen Guangchen.

While revising Living Treasures, I learned about Mr. Chen, a civil rights activist who worked on human rights issues in rural China. Blind from an early age and self-taught in the law, Chen is a “barefoot lawyer” who advocates for women’s rights, land rights, and the welfare of the poor. That was the career path that I planned for Bao, that she would mature into a grassroots activist.  

To make a real change, even a small one, you cannot expect it to be passed down from the government, but rather, it needs to start with you and your actions. The victory isn’t achieved by the talks on Tiananmen Square but in every action you do, every person you help, and every sacrifice you make for the common good.




The students in 1989 appealed to the ruling class to change the corrupt system. It ended in the massacre. That’s no reason to give up. What if we don’t fight, but live our lives to the fullest? 

Every person thinks s/he is free, despite what the government tells them, and live their lives like free people, take charge of their social responsibilities, and reach out to the less fortunate. 

I know Bao could do this, because Mr. Chen did it with some success. In 2005, Chen organized a landmark class action lawsuit against authorities in Shandong province, for the excessive enforcement of the one-child policy. What an amazing achievement for a courageous blind lawyer!

在我的小说《国宝》里,乡村妇女兰花已经有了一个女儿。计生队两次强行给她堕胎。她再次怀孕后,躲到山里,这时遇见了女大学生顾宝。顾宝曾经为了学业违心地堕了胎。她一开始看不起兰花,认为兰花是文盲,重男轻女。可是渐渐地,她对兰花的勇气生出敬佩。 最后的关键时刻,顾宝挺身而出, 勇敢地为兰花付出了自己最宝贵的东西。

顾宝遭遇的暴力,也是六四的暗喻。不同的是,顾宝在军人男友的帮助下,重新站立起来,成为草根维权人士。顾宝的维权之路一定是险象环生,布满荆棘,可是她做的艰苦危险的工作将会给中国社会带来持久的,本质的,和平的转变 。

在写作过程中我发现,熊猫是国宝,中国人也是国宝。每一个孩子都是国宝 。只有13亿人都成为国宝,中国的人权才会有保障。

In Living Treasures, village woman Mrs. Orchid already has a daughter. The one-child policy worker team forced her to have two abortions. When she gets pregnant again, she hides in a cave. There she meets Bao, who ended her pregnancy in order to continue her career as a law student. Bao is not impressed with Orchid at first, but she learns to admire Orchid’s strength and resolve to have her child. She ends up risking her own life to protect Orchid.

The ensuing violence is a metaphor for the Tiananmen Square massacre. But Bao is more fortunate than the students in the Square. With the help of her soldier boyfriend, she is able to rise from her tragedy and becomes a human rights activist. Her journey will not be easy, and she will suffer a great deal for her choice, but she has taken an important first step, not only for herself, but for 1.35 billion Chinese people who don’t have the political power. 



You may ask why I wrote the story of a Chinese woman in English. There were several reasons. When I was a teenager, I was enthralled by the French writers, novels by Victor Hugo, Balzac, and Alexandre Dumas. Those stories from the faraway land seemed more realistic, vivid, and inspirational than the Chinese novels about the suffering in the Cultural Revolution. When I managed (believe me, it was hard) to put down the book and walked to the school, I no longer saw the tractors and oxcarts, motorcycles and bicycles in bright daylight but felt as if I were running down the dimly lit alleyways in Paris during the French Revolution. 

Then I was able to rise above the peer pressure and self-consciousness, that I wasn’t pretty, intelligent, or popular at a prestigious high school. I was just a captivated reader. The story of French people translated into Chinese was devoid of clichés yet colored by passion. I grew up and named my first child Victor, after my idol Victor Hugo.     

My 2nd reason was the censorship. My book would be banned, before it was even written in Chinese. I kept a blog in mainland China and learned many tricks to circumvent the internet censorship. Even worse is the self-censorship. A famous writer once said, “If you want to write honestly, you should write like an orphan.” I didn’t like being an orphan, so I’d say, “If you want to write honestly, write in a foreign language that your parents cannot understand.”





I came to the U.S. at the age of nineteen, graduated from college at twenty-one, and became a computer engineer. At twenty-three, I had a midlife crisis. I went back to school, while working full time, and studied literature and writing. It was very hard work. From day one I knew I would support my writing life by working as an engineer. What got me through two decades of apprenticeship was not the prospect of being published, though it was nice that I finally got published, but the firm belief that I was doing something worthwhile. Having a job is to earn my keep from the society, but writing is to give back to the community my soul, my struggle, and my faith in humanity and future. 

Here is my 3rd reason to write in English: to communicate with people different from me—to educate them, entertain them, and affirm the values that we all hold dear: truth, love, courage, and selflessness. In a small way I was emulating the masters: Victor Hugo, Balzac, and Alexandre Dumas. Likewise, I wanted to tell stories of the faraway land that make people forget the trouble in their own lives, just for an instant, look up and see a bigger world full of people, who look like strangers, as you look more closely, you’ll find they are just like you, with the same longings, fears, and ambitions. Their children and your children will inherit the same world after you are gone.









I got a lot of friendly advice over the years. They told me: You’re the first generation immigrant, and you’re a woman. You have to work and raise a family. You don’t have the luxury of chasing a dream. Wait until you are retired, your children in college, and then take your time to write. I didn’t take the sensible advice. Life is short. I’d rather multitask and fail, than wait and discover that my time has run out. If my life were a baseball game, I want to strike out swinging rather than strike out looking.

I never argued with the wise people who warned me that I might fell. I had nothing to prove. Just do it. 

Writing is a lonely task. I found support in friends and my family. Just do it. 

It didn’t matter if I failed or succeeded. I am only limited by my timidity, my prejudice, and my own imagination.  

I told myself: Just do it. Keep doing it. And do more of it. Predictably, the wise people left me alone. 

I got a BA, an MA in English and an MFA in Creative Writing. My life got more hectic after I graduated, but I kept on writing. I had children, and they slowed me down. I used to write a book in a year and half, but Living Treasures took me five years to write and five more years to get it published. If I were a hare before, now I am a turtle. I plug away patiently and take in beautiful sceneries on my journey. As I grow older, I have less time to write. I focus on the essentials, the emotions, and no longer cringe to cut my favorite passages in order to advance the story. 



I learned much from watching my heroine develop and mature in the course of a novel. A young woman who wants to become a lawyer, Bao has so much to lose at the beginning: her virginity, her baby, and her career. When she’s confronted with evil, her conscience wakens. She takes a stand for what she believes in and risks everything in her life. 

Do we have the courage to fight for our true believes? If we look deep inside, we’ll find a hero or heroine buried under the layers of politeness, the mundane, and the compromises. If we are true to ourselves, that hero or heroine will awaken, summon their courage, elicit help, and open doors to new careers, new relationships, and creativities. Life is not merely a thing to be tolerated but celebrated. We become free even as we are trapped inside this transient shell, this small building, and this unjust world. 

Thank you. 


If you like, I’ll read a scene from my book.

KTSF Channel 26 Talk Tonight: Interview

I was fortunate to be invited to Jiayu Jeng’s Talk Tonight show on KTSF Channel 26. I enjoyed her shows and loved her warm manners and engaging style. My mother was a fan of Jiayu. She wanted to advise me on how to answer the sensitive questions about the Occupy movement in Hong Kong.

“Mom,” I said. “If she were interviewing you, you could give her your answers.”

I didn’t mean to be rude but had to clear my head. I wrote in English, in part to avoid being judged by my own family. Now an interview in Chinese would put me in the spotlight. I would only give my honest opinions.

Jiayu was tall, slim, and gorgeous, wearing a white dress sewn with black stars at the bosom that flaunted her enviable curves.

“What does my dress remind you?” she said. “Look, black and white! We’re going to talk about pandas.”

My jitters relaxed into warm gratitude. I felt like royalty even in my plain clothes.

It was my first time in the studio. There were two cameras, one on my left and the other behind me. I didn’t know where to look.

“Look at me,” she said.

Her face, so pleasing, her smile, so warm, she could be my sister. Jiayu began the interview by praising my novel.

Jiayu: As I started reading, I couldn’t put it down, honestly. I had to find out how it ends, and I finished last night. It was almost like watching a spy movie, so vivid and gripping. The social background was lovingly rendered, the characters well drawn.

Yang: Bao (the protagonist) moved me, too. I rewrote the story several times over the years. Bao gradually lost her radical political views and became a human rights activist. I grew with my heroine, Bao, and gained a deeper understanding of her story.

Jiayu: How did you plot this story, connecting the dots: giant pandas, the one-child policy, and the student movement?

Yang: I always loved pandas. They are national treasures. The story takes place in 1989, during the time of the Tiananmen Square massacre. It was a national tragedy, as China lost a historical opportunity. But I wouldn’t dwell on the tragedy. I wanted to see hope, so I let Bao, a law student, fall in love with Tong, who is a soldier.

Since they are lovers, of course she becomes pregnant. But the social environment is not right for their child, so she loses the child. She begins to question what kind of a woman/mother she wants to become. She starts to grow and finds her inner strength. When she meets Orchid, a village woman hiding from the one-child policy enforcers, Bao is no longer the meek teenager she once was. She makes a personal sacrifice to save Orchid. 

Her tragedy is a metaphor of the Tiananmen Square massacre. But the story ended differently for the students as it does for Bao, who rises from her tragedy with the help of her soldier boyfriend and becomes a grassroots human rights activist. The students in 1989 yearned for a democratic government. In my opinion, the difficult grassroots work will eventually bring democracy to China.

A panda is a national treasure. Through writing my novel I learned Chinese people are also national treasures. Every child is a living treasure. Only after 1.3 billion Chinese people become living treasures, will their human rights be protected in China.

Jiayu: Have you always wanted to write in English?

Yang: I’ve always wanted to write. I couldn’t write in Chinese because of the censorship. I have a Chinese blog on, where the sensitive words and blogs are routinely deleted. If you write “Nobel Peace Prize,” your blog will evaporate in an instant. It’s difficult to write in codes and illusions.

I can write honestly in English. I had studied English for many years and gotten a BA, an MA and MFA and made friends with a lot of writers. Writing is a difficult task, because you have to look into your soul and struggle against the fate.

Jiayu: Are you serious? Why do you struggle against the fate?

Yang: If you only record what happens in the real life, the story can be shocking, but it lacks energy, introspection, or meanings. You must rise above the mundane. You cannot give in to fatalism. Your spirit soars and can overcome tragedies and even death. In writing you can find the hope that is often absent in the real life.

Jiayu: Don’t you enjoy writing?

Yang: I do, very much.

Jiayu: Why is it so hard?

Yang: It must be hard. If you consider yourself talented and write easily, you’re in real trouble, and your work may not be that good. You must overcome your pride and prejudice, peel away the layers of hypocrisy to expose your pristine vulnerable heart, and from the depth of your despair you discover a story that moves the readers. Some stories, that seem so simple, are the fruits of hard labor by the great minds.

Jiayu: What are your expectations for your debut novel: good sales, influence, or made into a movie?

Yang: I hope more people will read Bao’s story. Most young people in China didn’t know what happened in 1989. Western readers learned about it in the history books. They could see the Chinese society at the time in Living Treasures. I lived through that tumultuous time and could visualize the authentic details. Living Treasures is an educational historical novel, especially good for the library, rather like a reference book.

Living Treasures is one of the top ten historical novels of 2014 by the Foreword Reviews.

History will repeat itself if we don’t educate ourselves about the past. We hope the Occupy Central students in Hong Kong will be more effective than we once were.

Jiayu: It’s also a love story. The book speaks to different people on different levels with different meanings. A good novel can accomplish all that. Why is the title called Living Treasures?

Yang: A panda is a national treasure. Human lives are as precious as pandas, hence the title Living Treasures.

Jiayu: Although Bao doesn’t take part in the student movement, the topic of student movement is as relevant today as it was in 1989. There were student movements in Taiwan: the Wild Lily student movement and the Sunflower student movement. There is Occupy Central in Hong Kong today. You must have followed the student movements in all three parts of China. What are your opinions? How are the students different in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland?

Yang: We envied the students in Taiwan, who lived in a democratic society. They could protest when the government didn’t represent their will. They could voice their dissent and win the support of the public. The students in Hong Kong know they are free people, and they are fighting for the voting rights. We are in support of them.

The mainland students in 1989 didn’t think that they were free people.

Jiayu: You took part in the democracy movement, right?

Yang: I did, as a participant in the mass demonstrations. I wasn’t a leader. Democracy is so important. We wouldn’t have eight-hour workdays, minimum wages, or woman’s voting rights if people hadn’t fought for them.

But I was more interested in the human rights issues. Human rights include the rights to life, property, dignity, posterity, and pursuit of happiness. Human rights are the most fundamental rights. Without them there will be no democracy, equality, and justice.

Many people say that China is too populated, and people are not well educated, or that China is not ready for democracy. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? If people couldn’t express their opinions, they had to bribe the officials. The officials have the absolute power. This leads to the corruption and wealth gaps that plague the Chinese society.

I agree with President Ma Ying-jeou. When China is prosperous and powerful, now is the perfect time for democratic reforms. “Let some people go democratic first!”

Jiayu: (Big Smile) You know his words by heart! But his approval rating is low in Taiwan. In a democratic society, you can criticize the president.

Yang: President Obama’s approval rating is not high. There is always dissonance in a democratic society, as people have meaningful debates.

Jiayu: Your book launch party is on Nov. 18 at Green Apple Books. Where can people buy Living Treasures?

Yang: Living Treasures is available at Green Apple Books in San Francisco,,,, and other sites. Readers are invited to my launch party at Green Apple Books in San Francisco. I will sign the books. If you drop me a line, I will send you bookmarks and autographs for free. See my website for details.

Jiayu: Congratulations! I hope Living Treasures will sell well and become an influential book.

Yang: Thank you. I look forward to discussing Living Treasures with the readers.

I left the TV station at midnight, feeling a bit dazed but energized. Jiayu seemed easygoing but asked some difficult questions. She patiently waited to hear me compare the student movements in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland. This touched a nerve. Would my mother disapprove my political stand? I came from the mainland where people are not free. A majority of people are used to being told what to think, how to feel, and overtime, they are afraid of freethinking. I know how many years it took me to start thinking again, greasing the rusted hinges of my mind with freedom, a luxury not available to most people who were brought up by the propaganda machine in China.

When the audience called in to get my book giveaways, a lady moved me with her comment. “There will be a day when Living Treasures can be published in China. We should have hope.”

For this hope I have written a book of love for China, her people, her treasures, and the pandas that grace the mountains of Sichuan.

Grass People of China

There is no secret that in today’s Chinese bureaucracy, corruption is the rule, not the exception. When a senior official falls from grace, he is transformed from a tiger into a roach overnight. The vast majority of victims who suffered at the hands of corruption, the “grass people” in China, cannot effect change. The corrupt officials can only be taken down by the powerful hands at the higher places.

A famous Tang poem, Grass, symbolizes the commoners throughout Chinese history:

Far far across the plain, spreads the grass

One year to another, it withers and returns

Never extinguished, by the prairie fires,

With spring wind, it leaps back to life


China has its unique challenges as the country with 1.35 billion people, roughly 20 percent of the world’s population. Of this great mass of humanity, more than 99 percent people have no political power, their voting rights a mere sham, for they can only vote for the preselected candidates. They are essentially the subjects to be ruled. Many writers and intellectuals have been so demasculinized and even bought off they are widely regarded as eunuchs, merely a channel of propaganda for the Communist Party.

The “grass people” are not all economically disadvantaged people. An increasing number of them are middle-class and have good jobs, and their living standards have risen significantly in recent years. They have much to be grateful for, compared to their parents’ generation. Among them are successful entrepreneurs, real estate moguls, doctors, teachers, entertainers, with more opportunities than ever. Yet, they are still grass people without voting power or representation in the court.

For example, when an ordinary family’s house is in the way of project development with government backing, they are forced to move with little compensation. It is not a matter of choice, and any resistance will be swiftly vanquished. 

The grass is not always greener on the other side, so to speak. I have three high school friends, the talented men who became officials. They all went to prison on the corruption charges. We had studied together for six years, from age twelve to eighteen, in a class of twenty-three students at the most prestigious public school in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province. I couldn’t imagine how the once innocent boys, who had been like my brothers, became white-collar criminals.

Mr. Z, my former classmate, confided in me. “It is a difficult life, when you have to deal with briberies.” If you refuse the money, you fail to cultivate work relationships and cannot operate on your own. You’ll lose your job anyway. If you take the money, and somehow you cannot make everyone happy, in Chinese terms, “Keeping the perfect balance like holding up a bowl of water,” sooner or later you’d be denounced and sent to jail.

It is a dangerous profession. Many Chinese officials have sent their wives, children, and savings, overseas for safekeeping, while they weather the storms at home. They become so-called “naked officials.”

Grass people of all social and economic classes share a certain equality and egalitarianism. They have a collective voice, one that is neglected but never silent. They are in good company. They live like the prairie grass, with freedom, grace, and short splendor, and take root in the beautiful, irresistible, and fertile land abound with opportunities spilled over from the powerful few.

In the spring of 1989, the university students in China took a historical opportunity to rally the mass and demand for democratic reforms. The world heard their voices, before the movement was crushed on the dawn of June 4th. China moved on, buried the inconvenient past (thanks to its censorship and propaganda machines), and braced itself for astounding economic growth, coupled with system-wide corruption and unprecedented pollution that is affecting the whole world.

As a witness and participant, I experienced the hope, joy, and heartbreak of the 1989 student movement. For many years I couldn’t hear of any criticism for the students’ “foolhardy” optimism. Where was hope, if grass people couldn’t even dream of changing a society doomed to corruption, nepotism, and injustice? Should we all close our eyes and make money like robots?

While I was writing my novel Living Treasures, I learned about Chen Guangchen, a civil rights activist who worked on human rights issues in rural China. Blind from an early age and self-taught in the law, Chen is a “barefoot lawyer” who advocates for women’s rights, land rights, and the welfare of the poor. In 2005, Chen organized a landmark class action lawsuit against authorities in Linyi, Shandong province, for the excessive enforcement of the one-child policy.

He would be a role model to my heroine, Gu Bao. In my novel, Bao is more mature and confident than the average students in the 1989 democracy movement. With her brave action she offers a constructive critique: the student movement that began in Tiananmen Square shouldn’t have ended it there. People could take it further by doing grassroots work and helping the downtrodden peasants. To make a real change, even a small one, you cannot expect it to be passed down from the government, but rather, it needs to start with you and your actions. The victory isn’t measured by the talks in Tiananmen Square but in every action you do, every person you help, and every sacrifice you make for the common good.

Chen Guangchen believes that even small actions undertaken in defense of human rights can have a large impact, because “Every person has infinite strength. Every action has an important impact. We must believe in the value of our own actions.”

In the end, grass people are like the turtle in the race. You can come out ahead when timing is right and you are persistent and never give up. Political purges may remove the once powerful enemies but will never eradicate many corrupt officials in China. You can strive to live with dignity and honor in an unjust society. Some may choose to emigrate to a foreign country and become grass people in their host country. After all, the “grass people” is always present even in the most advanced democracy.

“People are like grass;

their beauty is like a flower in the field.

The grass withers and the flower fades.

But the word of the Lord remains forever.”

1 Peter 1:24

Interviews with KTSF Channel 26

I was interviewed by Channel 26 KTSF five years ago, when U.C. Berkeley students protested about the 32% tuition hike. As UCB staff I had the furlough along with the rest of the campus community. Every day I marveled at the peaceful yet passionate demonstrations. Some students were arrested and accused of "stealing chairs." Staff took turns to demonstrate, so that most of the campus functions were normal during the final exam weeks.

Here is my TV interview.

On Oct. 24 I will be on the "Talk Tonight" show with Jiayu Jeng to discuss my debut novel Living Treasures and my experience as a writer. 今夜有话要说 is a great program. Many people who speak Chinese are fans of Jiayu and her program. I am so glad that my mother will hear me talk about Living Treasures in Mandarin.

Please tune in and wish me luck.